My Mundane Musings

Growing up I longed for the fast paced life of big city life and corporate America. Now I’m a stay at home mom of 4 in a small rural community! And I wouldn’t have it any other way! (At least for now).

FOUND IT!!! December 10, 2007

Filed under: kids — Rebekah Sanders @ 10:07 am

I’ve got a couple of posts about our trip done already, but couldn’t find the cord for my new camera. The problem is I cleaned right before we left and could *not* remember where I decided the new home for the cord would be – when it’s not plugged into the USB drive on the computer, that is. I looked all day yesterday off and on for it and just could *not* find it. This morning, I sat down and remembered where I’d put it.

Unfortunately for my readers, I have a chiropracter appointment this morning and then some serious erranding to do. But hopefully later today I’ll have posts and pictures – yes you read that right, plural, with an “s” – so I can share the adventure with y’all!


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