My Mundane Musings

Growing up I longed for the fast paced life of big city life and corporate America. Now I’m a stay at home mom of 4 in a small rural community! And I wouldn’t have it any other way! (At least for now).

Foto Friday… July 11, 2008

Filed under: life — Rebekah Sanders @ 11:02 am

It’s been a while, I know. I’m actually getting to Foto Friday on an actual Friday. It’s a miracle. But if you ask my dear Chip, he’ll tell you that it’s a week of miracle. Because I’ve done the dishes this week – all by myself – not only once, but TWICE! And that is something pretty spectacular around here!

So, I thought I’d do a week in review this week for photo Friday…

Friday, July 4th – we went for a cookout at Granny’s and then came home to do some of our own fireworks before going to the big show. Then we came home and did some more of our own…

Saturday, July 5th – the kids spent the day in the pool and I spent the day on the porch watching them. I took more than 100 pictures of them swimming. I’ve uploaded a bunch of them over there ——> in my Flickr acct. Click on the July folder to see them all…

Sunday, July 6th – we were in church. Is anyone surprised? We have a beautiful older building. After church on Sunday night, we took all of the boys down to Chip’s parents and cooked out with them.

Monday, July 7th – Kait had her parents to herself. She loved it! We went out for Chinese for lunch and I taught her to use chopsticks. And she even tried sushi!

Tuesday, July 8th – Kait was really quite the little helper on Tuesday. She watched the kids during the day while I got some work done around the house. That night Elijah was supposed to have a baseball game. We pulled up to the stop sign for the town it was in, took one look at the clouds and turned around. We raced these clouds all the way home…


Wednesday, July 9th – Only Seth was home with me, so he and Lexi had the pool all to themselves after naptime. The pool is amazingly large for only two little kids. They also played in the sprinkler some.

Thursday, July 10th – I figured out why we missed most of the library reading program. It’s right in the middle of naptime, and while Seth & Lexi loved the animals (bunny, lizard, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, and some other small animals), they were more interested in a nap. They layed on me like I was a bed or sofa the entire time. And when we got home, I told them it was time for a nap and they both just went and laid down in their spots and went to sleep…


And that’s what we’ve done this past week. What have you been up to?


One Response to “Foto Friday…”

  1. Suzanne Says:

    You pampered woman you! I do the dishes 2-3 times A DAY! And that’s even after the kids have taken their turns doing them.

    Today we’re going to see “Journey to the Center of the Earth”

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