My Mundane Musings

Growing up I longed for the fast paced life of big city life and corporate America. Now I’m a stay at home mom of 4 in a small rural community! And I wouldn’t have it any other way! (At least for now).

I WON!!! June 5, 2008

Filed under: books,entertainment,family,fun,kids,life,sports — Rebekah Sanders @ 3:55 pm

I just got an email from one the authors of one of my favorite chick lit series and I won a copy of her new book!  I should be getting my copy of Sisterchicks Go Brit! in the mail soon! So excited! I love winning stuff, but actually winning something that I want is ever better!

The reading program at the library kicked off this morning. So Kait and I spent a good bit of time this afternoon in her email and finding out what books she was going to have to read for other various reading programs that she’s gotten emails about. Might as well do it all at once, eh? They kicked off the reading program with a petting zoo today. My kids loved it and I think I have a couple pictures for tomorrow’s “Foto Friday”.

Tonight, we have TWO ballgames. Thankfully both are here at home and that makes our lives much less complicated. Kait is patiently reading over my shoulder so we can do something with her hair to keep it off her neck (it’s 87 degrees and HUMID out there). Then we’ll walk from one diamond to another to watch Elijah play. I’m already anticipating much needed showers for all of us when we get home tonight!


Kait’s first softball game… May 29, 2008

Filed under: family,fun,kids,life,sports — Rebekah Sanders @ 9:51 pm

I *think* they won. No one really kept score on the sidelines (although I saw the coach writing down something), but more kids from Kait’s team got on base than on the other team so that would make it a win, right? Kait went 2 for 2 – a double and then a single. The play was at home the first time she was up and she just missed an RBI. Got it the second time around.

So, here are some pictures from the night (click to make them bigger)…

 Kait’s first at bat

 Talking to her teammate and best friend – who lives next door. What could they possible have to talk about out on the field that requires whispering while shouting?

 Seth and Chip running back from the bathroom. This is just a great picture even though it’s not really a pic of the ballgame.

And here’s the video from her second at bat. Her best friend is the girl who crosses the plate at the end. (as of right now it says that the video is still processing, so if it doesn’t work now come back and try again later – sometimes it takes YouTube a while to get things together).



Blah, blah, blah… April 25, 2008

Filed under: family,fun,kids,life,photos,sports — Rebekah Sanders @ 8:50 pm

With this post, I’m officially 1/4 of the way through my 100 days of blogging and I feel like I’ve got nothing to say today. I’m tired. It was a L-O-N-G day. A long, blustery day. I got about 75% of what I wanted to get done, done. I should work on folding laundry, but my back is killing me. Probably from doing laundry earlier.

And apparently it was a hard day for Seth too because he just crawled up into Chip’s lap a few minutes ago and he’s already snoring. We’ll wait until this Bee Movie is over and then put the kids in bed. Here’s some pictures of what he was up to today…

He pretended to mow and they got to help clean up afterward…

Using his little weeder to whack the weeds…

Sweeping up after all was done…

Playing soccer with his brother….


Kansas wins it all… April 7, 2008

Filed under: life,sports — Rebekah Sanders @ 11:36 pm

I *love* March Madness. It’s about the only time of the year that I’ll actually sit and actually *watch* a game without a book or computer in my lap. I adore college basketball and while I’m not always logical in my choosing of my teams, I do make educated guesses with the best of them.

And people scoffed when I picked Kansas to win it all. I even second guessed myself a couple of times. But I held firm and let my bracket stand. And LOOK WHO’S LAUGHING NOW!!!

Kansas won the whole thing I jumped to FIRST place in all four bracket challenges I was in! One of them I was the ONLY girl in and beat out a bunch of GUYS who gave me quite a bit of grief over picking KU. I’m trying to remain humble and not go rub my bracket in their faces. Because I really, really want to!

And now it’s late and tomorrow is a busy day (sectional pastors/wives thing and then getting new tires on our van before the big trip). I better head to bed soon! If I can sleep! KU WINS!


It was a long ride home last night… February 8, 2008

Filed under: entertainment,fun,life,sports — Rebekah Sanders @ 10:09 am

How does one guy lose the same game twice? Because that’s exactly what happened! Pruitt just could *not* hit from the line. I think he was something like 7 of 17 from the line last night. It was interesting listening to the callers on the post-game show on the radio go on and on about how it’s Bruce Weber’s coaching that lost the game for them. Give me a break! I’m absolutely certain that he works with them on skills and even mental blocks – but he can’t go out there and shoot the ball for them. Maybe next year.  It was definitely a game worth going to though. Maybe the best Big 10 game of the year so far.

We finally got home about 12:30 last night, picked up our bleary eyed kids (even though the older two were still up) and were home and in bed at 1am. I did *not* sleep well! Our wet basement (which is finally drying out) is really setting off my allergies and I am in so much pain that I woke up everytime I rolled over. I definitely aggravated something more than my voice jumping around at that game last night! So glad that we have a chiro appt this morning.