My Mundane Musings

Growing up I longed for the fast paced life of big city life and corporate America. Now I’m a stay at home mom of 4 in a small rural community! And I wouldn’t have it any other way! (At least for now).

A most satisfying Saturday… September 27, 2008

Filed under: family,fun,kids,life — Rebekah Sanders @ 8:12 pm

I woke up this morning to hear my kids playing together downstairs. Chip got up a bit before I did and made me coffee. So, when I came down the stairs, I could smell the coffee, hear my kids happily chattering as they ate cold cereal in front of Saturday morning cartoons, and saw my husband relaxing in his chair. It’s the soundtrack of my life and I *love* it! I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down and cracked open a new book. (For those who care, it was Sunset by Karen Kingsbury – the last book in the Baxter series).

We lazed around the house this morning and then after lunch, decided to head to the outlet mall. My favorite jeans finally gave up this week and I needed a new favorite pair. I brought the laptop with me and was able to work in the van on the way there as Chip listened to some football game on the radio. The kids watched a movie and it was just a peaceful trip. I will say, it’s rather difficult to use a touchpad mouse when you’re driving on bumpy country roads!

We hit the mall and I was so excited to see they are finally getting a Children’s Place! I didn’t find my jeans at the mall, but we did find Chip a pair of golf shoes and a couple new shirts. We also got a super yummy wallflower from the Bath & Body Works outlet. My whole house now smells like Kitchen Spice. It’s making me hungry.

Because I didn’t find a pair of jeans at the mall, my wonderful husband took me all the way to Decatur so I could look at Target. Even though he was skeptical. But that’s just the great kind of guy he is. He spoils me and I know it.

And y’all, I found the cutest pair of jeans at Target! I had picked up a couple different pairs to try on, but the first pair I tried on fit perfectly. P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y!!!  My butt looks great in them. And any pair of jeans that can accomplish that are definitely a keeper!  Then I took the girls (Kait and her BFF, Destiny) to look at the girl clothes. Where I bought them really cute matching t-shirts. Which they, of course, had to put on right away.

We stopped quick at Kroger for milk and bread (because those four kids of mine have started eating so much bread in a week that I’m sure they are making Dr. Atkins turn in his grave). We grabbed McDonald’s for dinner and ate in the car on the way home.

And now we’re home. Chip and Elijah are watching the Illinois vs. Penn State game. Kait and Seth are playing on the computer and giggling together. And if I listen really hard, I can just barely hear Noah playing and singing in the bath. I’m going to finish up the church stuff for tomorrow that I couldn’t do without internet, and then I’ll dive back into and hopefully finish my book.

It’s been a great day and my heart is happy…


Weekend Image Meme… September 20, 2008

Filed under: family,fun,kids,life — Rebekah Sanders @ 9:49 pm

I’m still sick. So, here’s a kind of fun meme that I’ve seen floating around – which I’m sure you’ll enjoy more than my whining…


1. The age you’ll be on your next birthday:

2. Place you want to travel to:

3. Your favorite place:

4. Your favorite food:

5. Your favorite pet:

6. Favorite color combination:

7. Favorite piece of clothing

8. Your all time favorite song:

 I really have no one favorite song. It changes almost by the minute.

9. Favorite TV show:

10. First name of your significant other:

11. Which town do you live in:

12. Your screen name/nickname:

13. Your first job:

14. Your dream job:

15. One bad habit that you have:

16. Worst fear

17: Things you’d like to do before you die:

18. The 1st thing you’ll buy if you get $1,000,000:

19. Your husband:

20. What present would you like for your next birthday?


Foto Friday… September 12, 2008

Filed under: family,friends,fun,kids,life,photos — Rebekah Sanders @ 10:21 pm

I know, I know. I’m a bit late in my Friday-ing to get this up. But it’s still technically Friday everywhere in the US, so I figure I’m still good!

It has been a BUSY day my friends! I’ve washed my kitchen floor. TWICE! The first time because it was just gross and I couldn’t stand it anymore. The second time because Kait and Noah somehow managed to drop an entire GALLON of strawberry kool-aid – and the plastic rubbermaid pitcher just shattered. I even ended up moving the stove the second time to scrub underneath.

That wasn’t the biggest part of my day though. The big news around town was the homecoming parade and game. Kait was sick, so I skipped the game to stay home with her. We all made the parade – couldn’t miss our Elijah being *in* the parade.

Seth & Lexi while I mopped the floor…

Seth did *not* like all the sirens…

The Okaw Valley Marching Band…

Elijah in the parade – he’s chanting SOV! Best picture I got…

Learning to share (and blackmail when they are older)…


Apples, apples everywhere… September 6, 2008

Filed under: food,friends,fun,life,recipes — Rebekah Sanders @ 9:14 am

And I’m not talking about the computer! (Although, if someone out there were to want to gift me a MacBook I definitely wouldn’t complain).

Chip’s dad brought me about 2 bushels of apples. My kids have eaten about 1/2 a bushel. I’ve made applesauce. And apple bread.

And this apple bread? Y’all, it’s like I got a little taste of heaven when we tried it! Oh. my. word. It’s really *that* good! And I will so completely blame my friend Suzanne for giving me the recipe when I gain 30 pounds because my family is insisting that I make it again. Very, very soon.

So, without further ado, for your gastronomical pleasure, I present…

Suzanne’s Apple Bread

1 1/2 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 cup oil
1 egg
2 cups chopped apples

Mix all together and spread into a greased 8×4 loaf pan. Bake at 350 for 55 minutes. 

I went a step further and put a glaze on it since we were having it for dessert. After it was done baking, I moved it to a cooling rack. I mixed together 1 cup of confectioner’s sugar (that’s just plain powdered sugar for those of you who don’t like to get all fancy) and about 2 tablespoons of water until it was thin and pourable. Then I poured that over the bread and let it all cool.

I’ll be making it again very soon.


Slow turtles and hushpuppies… September 5, 2008

Filed under: family,fun,kids,life — Rebekah Sanders @ 8:22 am

My kids have made up a new game. And I’m absolutely giddy about it!

If there is one thing about my kids, it’s that none – as in not one of them – is quiet or walks much. My house is chaotic on it’s good days and the words maelstrom or tornado are used regularly on days when things are less than ideal.

My kids run just about everywhere (unless of course a parental figure actually *asks* them to do something quickly). Elijah is starting to grow out of that running everywhere, so maybe there is hope for the future. Only 8 more years until the youngest is the age the oldest is now!

For some reason, bedtime is especially chaotic. It’s like they know that they are going to be forced to go lay in bed, so they better to their best to use up any energy they have left. Anyone else have a bedtime like that? By that time I just want them to go to bed and let me rest a bit, but instead there is usually some arguing about who gets to sit where, who has brushed their teeth and taken meds, and my all time favorite – who gets to kiss yours truly before bed.

Last night was a typical night. Someone was running into the room and fallen. Someone was jumping on the couch. Chip and I were just trying to get them to please sit down and be quiet so we could have our family prayer time. We’ve been trying not to yell, but last night we came close.

Until Noah yelled out, “1… 2… 3… SLOW TURTLES AND HUSHPUPPIES!!!” Then he immediately plopped his rear on the couch and stopped talking. And the rest of the kids followed suit.

WHAT? I asked him what he said and he called a “time-out” to explain things to me. Seems my brilliant 11 year old came up with a new version of “The Quiet Game.” Whenever someone yells out 1-2-3 slow turtles and hushpuppies, then everyone must slow down their motions and stop talking. Elijah? He’s BRILLIANT!!!

Chip asked who came up with that game and I just grinned.

I told them that I don’t care who came up with it, it’s my new favorite game! Absolutely. LOVE. it!!

And I plan to use it. Oh yes I do! 

Because walking and being quiet just became fun!


I should have taken pictures… August 26, 2008

Filed under: books,family,fun,home improvement,kids,life,Tackle It Tuesday — Rebekah Sanders @ 5:28 pm

I’m cleaning and rearranging. The first day of school WORE ME OUT!!!  Kait’s computer was set up in the dining room. Elijah’s computer in the office. Noah’s “desk” of choice is the floor in the living room. I spent the entire first day of school running from one room to the next. I seriously ranked up 5000 steps on my pedometer JUST DURING SCHOOL!!! I’m pretty sure that’s like 2.5 miles or something.

Today wasn’t quite as bad as Elijah doesn’t have an official curriculum yet so he was doing “life skills” types of things like dishes and cleaning his room. But Noah was doing some work on the computer in the office and Kait was still in the dining room and it was all just too chaotic for me.

Especially the bellowing that coursed through the house. At one point I’m pretty sure I threw my hands up in the air and screamed, “I’M JUST ONE PERSON!!!”

If you think *parenting* 4 kids is busy, try homeschooling 4 all at different age and grade levels. Oh. my. weary. word.

So, today after school, I set to work. My plan is to move Kait’s computer into the office. Which means getting the extra desk out of her bedroom and into the office. But in order to do that, I had to make a space for said desk. Amongst the myriad of other pieces of really big furniture – computer desk, two huge bookcases, treadmill (which I fixed in the process), and a HUGE wood futon (this is *not* one of those cheap, dorm room futons).

And I realized, there was no possible way it was all going to fit.

So rearranging one room became rearranging two. Which is my Seth’s most favorite thing in the world.

“OH! We’re decorating!” he exclaimed while clapping his hands with his eyes sparkling. His plans were much grander than my own, but he was happy to settle for my way when he realized he’s not big enough or strong enough to move furniture by himself.

We moved the futon in front of  the big picture window. We moved the treadmill over where the futon was. And the bookcase that was in the way of where I wanted to put the desk, moved to the dining room.

So, the bookcase moved into the dining room to where the cedar chest was. The cedar chest moved across the room. And the rocking horse (I should post a picture of our rocking horse – it’s wonderful. Chip’s dad had it built for Elijah. But that’s another story for another time) over in front of the double windows in the dining room.

The desk is still upstairs in Kait’s room at this point. I do ok moving furniture up the stairs. Not so much coming down. So the computer is sitting on the Little Tykes table in the middle of my doorway between the living room and dining room. I see no point in moving it any farther until I can move it onto the desk.

Now I’ve got to get myself off of the computer and go pick up the little piles of stuff that managed to get underneath all of the stuff that I moved. How does that all migrate underneath there anyway? And I assume there must be some great stuff because I keep hearing choruses of “I’ve been looking for that!” ring from the office.

Oh! And we are *so* going out for dinner tonight!
Tackle It Tuesday Meme


Monkey Munch… August 20, 2008

Filed under: family,food,fun,kids,life,recipes — Rebekah Sanders @ 8:53 pm

I made monkey munch last night for the kids and it was gone by this afternoon after snack time. I was going to make more tonight after sending them all upstairs. Even had Chip’s mom stop and get some more cereal for me on her way home from work. All was well until I went into the kitchen to find that I only had 1/2 cup of chocolate chips left. I had checked around 4pm to make sure I had enough before asking Chip’s mom to get more cereal, so I thought I might be loosing my mind. Until Chip walked in the kitchen and I told him I what I was doing (or not doing) and he gave me a goofy grin. Yep, he ate my chocolate chips this afternoon. He’ll be picking some more up tomorrow after his doctors appointment.

Now, for those of you wondering what Monkey Munch is…

I’ve heard it called by many names – puppy chow, people chow, monkey munch, gorilla grub. We call it monkey munch. I’ve had it several times in my life, but never made it until they were talking about it recently on an episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8 (it’s the episode where the boys go golfing for those of you who watch – Seth makes me watch that episode over and over and over…)

Monkey Munch
9 cups Chex cereal
1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup butter/margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

Microwave chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter for 1 minute. Stir. Remain heating until melted together with no lumps. Stir in vanilla. Pour over cereal. Pour half of powdered sugar into the bottom of a 1 gallon freezer bag. Pour in cereal mixture and top with remaining powdered sugar. Shake gently until sugar has coated the cereal. Spread on parchment lined cookie sheet until cool. Enjoy!

OH! And if you’re going to let your kids help you – remember that sugar is EXTREMELY hot after placed in the microwave! Let them help you measure things out as you get everything ready. Let them help shake the bag after it’s started cooling off a bit. But be careful if you let them help once the heated sugar/butter mixture is poured on the cereal!


Wild Goose Giveaway… August 19, 2008

Filed under: blog,books,church,friends,fun,internet — Rebekah Sanders @ 9:43 am

*Giveaway info at the end*

I’ve had the opportunity to read Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson already. It releases today via Amazon and all those other bookstores out there that I hear people use.

By the end of the first chapter, I was completely hooked. It’s a perfect book for those who feel like they are on a wild goose chase as they try and figure out this crazy ride called life and what God’s plans for them is. Because lately, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching. A lot of wondering what comes next and how I get to that point. Maybe another name for this book could have been “Like a Chicken With My Head Cut Off.”  But the reminder to pursue God through it all is such great truth and explained clearly in this book. Especially when people around you are telling you that you’re crazy. It’s a reminder to live out your faith in day to day life as you take risks and adventures along the way.

Here’s the summary from the back of the book – 

Most of us have no idea where we’re going most of the time. Perfect. 

“Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit–An Geadh-Glas, or ‘the Wild Goose.’ The name hints at mystery. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround Him. And while the name may sound a little sacrilegious, I cannot think of a better description of what it’s like to follow the Spirit through life. I think the Celtic Christians were on to something….

Most of us will have no idea where we are going most of the time. And I know that is unsettling. But circumstantial uncertainty also goes by another name: Adventure.” –from the introduction.

Mark Batterson may be one of the best communicators I’ve ever heard. He is able to paint a picture that is memorable and has so many one-liners that I’ve lost count. He inspires me as we continue this crazy journey in ministry and as he reaches out to those he pastors at National Community Church on Capitol Hill. AND he dared to dream that a church could open a coffeehouse on the Hill! And saw that through to what is now the largest – and one of those most popular – coffeehouses!

I’ve got a free copy of Wild Goose Chase to give away to one of y’all! No strings attached. Just leave a comment below. If you twitter or blog about this giveaway on your own site, come back and leave a second comment and you’ll get two entries! I’m picking the winner at 11pm CST on Sunday night so the book can go out first thing on Monday morning.

So, go leave me a comment!


Remember that concert… August 8, 2008

Filed under: entertainment,fun,music — Rebekah Sanders @ 9:11 am

Way back in May that I stayed up to watch Phil Wickham live from Portland on streaming video? Well, it’s now been turned into a live cd! And he’s making it available for FREE on his blog starting today 08.08.08. It’s the perfect CD to gear up for the Olympics to! Ok, so maybe not exactly, but it’s definitely worth your time (which I understand is way more valuable than your money so I won’t sell you short) to download and give a listen. Phil’s song “You’re Beautiful” is definitely one of my current favorites!



On vacation… August 1, 2008

Filed under: family,friends,fun,kids,life,travels — Rebekah Sanders @ 10:03 pm

After facing the summer thinking we wouldn’t get a vacation, SURPRISE! We packed up and left home tonight and ran away to the booming populous of East Alton, IL. Friends of ours are out of town this week and told us to come stay at their house and spend the week hopping the river over into St. Louis! AND WE ARE!!!

So, I might be scarce around the blog, but you’ll still be able to follow me on Twitter and most likely see some pictures on Facebook or Flickr (over there —–> ) as I upload them for Elijah, who is back at home with the grands (HUGE thanks to them!!!!) because of football.

But for now, I’m going to kick my feet up and curl up on what I’m pretty sure is the world’s most comfortable couch for a bit before going to bed. Not sure what adventure tomorrow is going to bring, but I hear it will involve ribs!